Monday, March 16, 2009

Still Going Strong

Now into my fourth week as a non-smoker I am starting to feel the benefits of stopping smoking. I used to be terrible at getting up in the morning, after a supposed good nights sleep I would be lethargic, sluggish and coughing and spluttering. After just three weeks I have lost the cough and I am waking up fresh and ready to start my day. I have been arriving at work earlier, getting more done and reducing my work stress, spending more of my days being productive and positive, again reducing the total amount of stress in my life, and I used to think cigarettes did that.

My son has stopped being suspicious that I am smoking in secret, I haven't, but he was so used to me doing so that he found it hard to believe that I had finally stopped. After three weeks of sniffing my clothes and checking my pockets he has accepted that Dad has kicked the filthy habit and he no longer has to nag me.

Here is a little advice from someone who inspired me in my cause to quit smoking, Allen Carr.