Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Quit Smoking for the New Year

It is that time of year again when most of us make a New Years Resolution to improve our lives in some way or another. Most of us will fail and go back to our bad old ways within 6 days. Women usually last a day longer than men, on average. How many people will resolve to quit smoking this New Year and start 2010 smoke free? I never personally ever tried to quit at New Year, too much pressure to succeed. I quit in February instead when all the focus is on other things and so far I am now over 10 months smoke free!!

However, with the right tools and right frame of mind you should be able to quit anytime, you just have to want to do it. If New Year is your chosen time to quit then follow a few simple rules:

  • You must want to do it and have made up your own mind to quit, don't do it because others are pressuring you or you will fail.
  • Decide to do it and look forward to quitting, it is one of the single most brilliant things you can do for yourself as a smoker, be happy about it.
  • Choose a method and stick to it, I don't recommend cold turkey, use some support or proven method.
  • Don't give up, you can beat your addiction, it just takes a little bit of effort.
I have written my own short guide on preparing to quit smoking that you get here

My Free Report

It costs nothing, give it a read and I hope it will help you. It contains sound advice on quitting written from my own experience and research, the same that has lead to me being smoke free for 10 months. I am a very happy non-smoker now and I hope you can become the same.

If you are trying to quit go ahead and you have my best wishes, have a prosperous and smoke free New Year.