Sunday 21st February 2010 marked the end of my first year as a non-smoker, I am officially (according to life insurance companies) a non-smoker!!! I can now get non-smoker insurance rates, another saving to the money I have already saved by NOT buying cigarettes. I reckon that since I stopped smoking I have saved just short of £1000. This is a significant sum to me and has focused me to just how much money I have wasted during my life, killing myself with cigarettes.
I thought it would feel different to be a non-smoker for a year, that I would want to throw a party or some other sort of celebration. The truth is that not smoking has now become the norm for me and it seems silly to celebrate something that is part of my everday life. Celebrations are for achievements, life changing events etc. I should have thrown the party on the day I quit, that was more signicant than celebrating an anniversary.
For me to not smoke for a whole year is quite a personal achievement, I haven't been this long without cigarettes since the age of 12. I have quit before, but never for this long. This time as I have stated before on this blog I will stay a non-smoker for good, smoking no longer tempts me and I can see it for what it really is, a complete waste of time and money.
If you are yet to quit smoking please read through my other posts and think about when you will stop. It is not difficult if you understand how to stop, it is not difficult if you truly want to stop. If you have already stopped, well done to you, we belong to the same club, the successful one!
Quit Smoking NOW!