Friday, July 24, 2009

5 Months Quit and I Feel Great

Can't believe I've done it, but I have. Almost at half a year as a non-smoker so I decided to try to find out how my body had changed and this is the best list I could find:

* In 20 minutes your blood pressure will drop back down to normal.
* In 8 hours the carbon monoxide (a toxic gas) levels in your blood stream will drop by half, and oxygen levels will return to normal.
* In 48 hours your chance of having a heart attack will have decreased. All nicotine will have left your body. Your sense of taste and smell will return to a normal level.
* In 72 hours your bronchial tubes will relax, and your energy levels will increase.
* In 2 weeks your circulation will increase, and it will continue to improve for the next 10 weeks.
* In three to nine months coughs, wheezing and breathing problems will dissipate as your lung capacity improves by 10%.
* In 1 year your risk of having a heart attack will have dropped by half.
* In 5 years your risk of having a stroke returns to that of a non-smoker.
* In 10 years your risk of lung cancer will have returned to that of a non-smoker.
* In 15 years your risk of heart attack will have returned to that of a non-smoker.

I can certainly vouch for the increased circulation and lung capacity. I can now exercise with ease and don't get anywhere near as breathless as I used to. Also I had a very dodgy big toe on my right foot, the nail had gone a sort of grey colour and was split. I happened to notice that it has become very pink and healthy looking again. This is quite worrying as I was probably headed for a circulatory disease, hopefully I quit in time and the return of the pink colour means I have reversed the damage.

Getting ready for the 6 month mark which will be just before my birthday in August, double party!!

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